Resources, Best Practices, & More!
Below you will find resources from immigration and advocacy organizations as well as legal tools for our movement!
Immigration: Know Your rights+Resources
Muslims for just futures Immigration Know your rights
New york immigration coalition
make the road new jeresy
National Immigration Law center
Immigration Policy Tracking Project
Ready to stay Community Learning Center
immigrant legal resource center Red Cards
NAKASEC's Know Your Rights 4 Immigrants app
Muslim ban: fight the new travel ban
No Muslim ban ever
Tell Congress pass No Ban Act
Congressional Action:
Bill Tracking: Real-time analysis of Trump administration actions
Freeze billions in federal funding for vital programs: Challenged
Prioritize federal immigration law enforcement at the expense of law enforcement priorities and states’ rights: CHALLENGED
Deny citizenship to babies born in the United States if their parents aren't citizens or lawful permanent residents: Temporarily Blocked
Require more vetting of all noncitizens and lay the groundwork for future travel bans: Underway
See more here!